Bienvenido a VETFest project


Bienvenido a VETFest

Dual VET in hospitality, a credential for stable employment

Dual VET in hospitality, a credential for stable employment

The "We Create Opportunities" program in Hospitality and Tourism began in 2014 focused on dual VET and to date has trained more than 800 young people.

La gran alianza española para la FP

La gran alianza española para la FP

La "Alianza por la Formación Profesional: una estrategia de país" es una iniciativa del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (MEFP) que pretende consolidar la red de corresponsabilidad para afianzar la transformación de la FP impulsada por el Gobierno de España. La Formación Profesional es una de las principales palancas de desarrollo de la economía del país.

Vocational education and training in Portugal: short description

Vocational education and training in Portugal: short description

This short description contributes to better understanding vocational education and training (VET) in Portugal, by providing insight into its distinctive features and highlighting system developments and current challenges.

Comparative VET European research since the 1980s: accommodating changes in VET systems and labour markets

Comparative VET European research since the 1980s: accommodating changes in VET systems and labour markets

The article assesses the role comparative research plays from the 1980s in understanding vocational education and training (VET) systems in Europe, driven by political, economic, social and labour market changes.

¿Qué competencias necesitas para ser un buen profesor de adultos?

¿Qué competencias necesitas para ser un buen profesor de adultos?

Cada vez más personas adultas con largas trayectorias laborales deciden reorientar su carrera profesional hacia otros ámbitos o sectores.

Apprentices over the moon with Star Wars-inspired rocket ovens after engineering challenge

Apprentices over the moon with Star Wars-inspired rocket ovens after engineering challenge

The unique garden heaters were fabricated from raw sheet metal at Coleg Cambria Deeside by a 75-strong cohort from the Airbus wing-making factory in Broughton.

New CEDEFOP report "2020 skills forecast PORTUGAL"

New CEDEFOP report "2020 skills forecast PORTUGAL"

CEDEFOP launched a new report entitled "2020 skills forecast" for several european countries.

El modelo OGLO de la heteronormatividad

El modelo OGLO de la heteronormatividad

En el proyecto SENSE estamos trabajando para que los estudiantes de FP reciban formación en diversidad afectivo-sexual. Esto lo hacemos con dos objetivos principales:

Re-conceptualising VET: responses to covid-19

Re-conceptualising VET: responses to covid-19

The paper addresses the impact of Covid-19 on vocational education and training, seeking to discern the outline of possible directions for its future development within the debates about VET responses to the pandemic.

Talent and skills: What is the importance of professional training in green and digital transitions?

Talent and skills: What is the importance of professional training in green and digital transitions?

Launched in 2016, the initiative aims to highlight the benefits of professional training in people of any age with events and activities throughout the European Union. This year, European Vocational Skills Week 2020 takes place only in digital format.

Diverse Clients, Diverse Education

Diverse Clients, Diverse Education

En 2014 se realizó la primera encuesta en Europa sobre como reaccionan los estudiantes de FP con la diversidad afectivo-sexual. Este estudio, uno de los pocos realizados en el campo, muestra que entre el 15% y el 30% de los estudiantes tenían actitudes negativas hacia clientes LGTBI.

Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies

Osnabrück Declaration on vocational education and training as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies

The Osnabruck Declaration of the Mnisters issued reaffirmed their commitment to contribute to the post-COVID recovery and to further develop the European Education and Training Area through future-oriented and innovative education and training systems in order to support the digital and green transition and improve employability and competitiveness and thus stimulate economic growth.

Read the full report here.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

SPEL - Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino, Rua 21 nº769, 4500-141, Espinho, Portugal

+351 227341468